Jul 13, 2023Liked by Dr. Kathleen Waller

I love laying in my yoga swing, between the trees. I love feeling the breeze while I write. It makes me feel more creative. 🙏

Thank you for sharing!

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Jul 13, 2023Liked by Dr. Kathleen Waller

I need to get outside everyday or I go nuts! And wow! I had no idea Thoreau was into yoga!

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I'm stir crazy: I have to get out, even if it's just to the garden, a local cafe or a park. I'm often more productive when at my desk, but reading and writing outside is a much more rounded and rich experience

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Jul 13, 2023Liked by Dr. Kathleen Waller

If I have to go and live on a desert island I think I'll take the complete works of Dr Kathleen Waller. Packed with so much stimulating stuff again. Thank you. I haven't tried writing outside and I hadn't heard of Philip Connors but I think I need to get a job as a fire watcher: didn't Kerouac do that too?

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Being outdoors is where it begins for me. A breath of the morning, the still warm light of a new day, waking birdsong--they are what knocks at the door of me; the open all the windows to air out of my every creative impulse. Thank you for this post and question.

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Interesting and thought provoking post, as always! Trying to plough through some writing and admin earlier this week, as well as waiting in for some deliveries, I experienced what happens when I forget to 'get outside' enough. I didn't feel at all creative and I was grouchy! It reminded me how important it is for me to immerse myself in the outside world. Whether that be a simple walk around my neighbourhood, staring at the trees, a coffee and my book in a favourite coffee shop, visiting a local gallery, or a yoga class. Getting out feeds the creativity. Your post today has reinforced this! (It kind of feels like the universe is trying to tell me something this week...)

PS. Thank you for the picture of your view :)

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